Homemaking rules you should follow (to be a happy homemaker)

These Homemaking rules are essential to becoming a great homemaker, and feeling fulfilled and happy while doing it!

1)Plan your meals & use a grocery list

There's something about having a meal plan and a pre-made grocery list ready to go when you walk into the store, not only does it prevent you from making impulse purchases.

But it also helps you to feel in control of your homemaking. Cooking is a HUGE part of being a homemaker, while other people walk aimlessly through the grocery aisles and grab what looks good, or even eat takeout a couple times a week. As a homemaker you have the unique privilege and responsibility of making your meals at home, planning what your family will eat and making sure it's not unhealthy.

Making meals at home will save you A LOT of money. There's nothing like the smell of a delicious chicken & dumpling soup in the crockpot or on the stove, or the aroma of freshly cooked apple pie cooling on the counter. Not only are you saving your family money by making meals at home, but you are creating a family culture that your family will remember for generations to come.

Your husband will start to crave the amazing meals that you create, and you will be fulfilled knowing that you are in control of what your family eats, but that you're also contributing to your household by stretching your dollar.

Homemakers from days past spent hours each day preparing food for their loved ones. It was honorable work, just because times have changed doesn't mean you can't create that legacy in your own home. Some of the best memories come from taste and smell.

Planning your meals allows for you to create amazing meals and to be in complete control of what food enters your home, no more getting home with groceries and not knowing what to cook, you will be fully capable of throwing together memorable and delicious food for your loved ones. All it takes is some forethought and preparation.

2) Develop discipline to get things done.

Motivation is not the key to getting your chores done, as they say if you wait for motivation to hit you’ll be waiting forever. No one wants to become the trope of the lazy bored housewife , right ? So how do we avoid being lazy as homemakers?


When we don't feel like getting things done, we can rely on good ol’ discipline to keep us going!

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

How do we develop discipline? We choose to do what we know will benefit our future selves, even if our current self doesn’t feel like doing it.

We put our emotions to the side and choose to get up and do the dishes even when we don't feel like it. Sometimes in life we have to take the decision away from our emotions . We can't control how we feel, one day we may feel like getting a bunch done and the next we may feel like lazing around, but as a homemaker you aren't just “at home” your career is homemaking, it should be treated as a duty to yourself and your family.

We can choose to not let our emotions control us and get stuff done. One great way to do this is to not give yourself time to ruminate about it. Get going before you get the chance to talk yourself out of taking action. Just get started, motivation grows after we get going. Soon enough we develop a practice of discipline and our daily chores become a habit, once we’ve done the rewiring in our brains, it gets easier and on those rough days when you don't want to do anything it will be there to help.

Of Course there is a time for every season. I'm not telling you to run yourself ragged trying to keep a perfect home,Or to beat yourself up every time you take a break. Like any job you need days off as a homemaker, and you deserve to take a break.

But the wonderful things is that if you take good care of your home and are a discipline and productive homemaker than you can enjoy those days off guilt free, and there's nothing better than relaxing in a clean home, with some freezer meals ready to bake at dinner, Preparation and productivity makes it easier to take a break and still feel good about the choice to do so.

3) Embrace your unique home decor style

One of the funnest parts of homemaking (in my opinion) is making your house a home, hence the name “homemaking”.

A home specifically styled for you and your family's enjoyment. You can use the colors you like, and decorate with your favorite style of home decor. Many homes nowadays are cookie cutter, the same decor from the same section in the hobby lobby lines the walls of most homes.

If that's your style no-judgement here not everyone has time to cultivate beautiful, well decorated homes, but homemakers certainly do, if they so choose. I love the collected look. You can tell when you walk into someone's home if they took the time to pick out each individual piece or if they just bought the matchy matchy decor from Walmart and called it good.

It's always a shame, in my opinion, when you see the same comforter in every home you enter. We all know the ones the black and red, or purple and light pink swirls from walmart.

There is something different, something special about a home that is curated, each piece of linen picked out, with a cozy texture and pretty pattern. Thrift stores are great for unique patterns and well made quilts.

As a homemaker you can embrace your own personal style and take your time to cultivate a well curated home. You don't have to rush yourself in the process either, it may take time to find the style you are looking for, and it can be easy to rush the process and end up regretting what your home looks like.

I personally have had to “re-make” my home a couple times, and it wasn't until I stopped trying to attain a specific aesthetic , and began to create and decorate with things that I genuinely like the look of, that I started to fall in love with my home's look.

4) Budget & be frugal

Budgeting is an absolute must as a homemaker. I understand some homemakers let their husband take control of the finances, and that's all well and good if he is a responsible provider who is good with finances.

I myself love budgeting and my husband finds it boring,so it makes sense for me to take on that task. It is truly empowering to take control of your finances and use a budget, it may seem like it could be intimidating but it truly puts the control of your money back in your hands.

As a homemaker you and your family are likely living on one income, therefore every dollar counts, and keeping track of your spending and reducing your expenses becomes essential to your success as a one income household.

You can start by budgeting your monthly income and ensuring that your expenses are under the amount of income you make. Cutting the unnecessary expenses is a sure fire way of getting ahead of your finances. Buying second hand and meal planning will also help you keep your spending under control.

Even if your husband makes good money , or even if you bring inside income as a homemaker, you still need to budget!! Dave ramsey is a great resource for getting your money in order. Paying off debt, having a good budget in place and preparing for your future is a must, and taking steps towards financial success will ease any tension you might feel about not working outside the home.

5) Get dressed every day

As I stated above , homemaking is a job just like any other, you may not bring home monetary value, but there is still work to be done. Nothing stunts motivation than staying in your loungewear.

Getting up and putting yourself together is the first step to any productive day. You don't have to walk around your home with a full face of makeup in 1950’s style dress. But you should certainly get up, take care of your basic hygiene, put on an outfit that you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in and maybe even put on some light makeup and do your hair.

This isn't for anyone else, its so you feel good and look good, not only for your own mental and emotional well being, but also because getting dressed can get you started towards a productive day.

It also nice to know that if you have to slip out to grab something from the store, or if you get an unexpected guest that you will not feel any shame for how you look, because you will already be presentable

7) Have a hobby and grow your skill set

Every homemaker should have a niche. If you were to be a teacher, you wouldn't try to master every subject known to man and try to teach them. You would get to know the basics of each subject, then you would pick a niche and get really good at it, learn all the in’s and outs and become an expert in that field.

Homemaking is no different. You want to know your basics, you should be able to cook, and know how to sort laundry and fold a bed properly, you should be able to pack a lunch for your husband and children.

You should know the basics of pet care if you intend to care for animals , and you should know the basics of childcare to care for children. BUT picking a niche is about what YOU love doing. Do you love to bake? If you're a mom, obviously your children will be a huge factor in your niche. What do your children need from you the best, healthy home cooked meals, a mom who bakes the best homemade bread and cookies in town.

Pick yourself a hobby and embrace, some women are excellent at sewing and mending. Others are phenomenal cooks, and love to focus on nutritional eating. Some women have a passion for growing their own food and using essential oils.

Homemaking is way more fun when you can do what you love and become skilled at it. This not only helps you be a better homemaker, but grows your confidence in your abilities

8) Focus on what you value

Why did you become a homemaker in the first place? There must have been something about being at home that was important to you.

Maybe it was simplifying your life or spending more time with your children or husband, or maybe it was to develop the skills necessary to be a good mother for your future children.

These values will motivate you to keep going when it doesn't seem easy, or when you get backlash or criticism for being a homemaker. Know your why!

What do you value about being a homemaker? Is it taking control of you and your family's health? Is it homeschooling your children? Knowing your why makes all the difference in the day to day, you got to have a goal to work towards, just like any job if you are doing mundane tasks day after day without any rheal goal in mind, it won't be long before you get burnt out and start questioning what it is that you're actually doing.

That's why you should know why you are a homemaker, why it's the right decision for you and what goal your are moving towards.

I hope these tips can add value to your life and I promise if you implement them you will start to improve as a homemaker, quicker than you think!

Take Care, Danielle


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