Who am I?

I’m Danielle, i’m a full time homemaker & i’m married to my amazing husband Michael. We live in the rural wilderness of Washington state & aim to live a slow, simple, sustainable life.

Why should you care?

Because I’ve been where you are, for years I felt like something was off in the way that we were living, constantly searching for an answer and a hope that things could be different. I thought to myself that I ‘should’ be happy and grateful. We live in a relatively nice home, my husband has a good job and I’ve even been blessed enough to get to stay home full time, but life still just didn’t feel right.

I was craving a more fulfilling existence, and not at some 9 to 5.

I felt most at home within myself when i was in nature; swimming in the lake, breathing in the crisp mountain air or when i had my hands deep in the soil. I started to lean into this intuitive sense that something was off, and realized where the root of this feeling stemmed from…

We were living an entirely unnatural life, and i could feel that disconnect deep in my bones.

Our food was filled with mysterious ingredients, we spent hours on our phones & screens. We were deep in thousands of dollars of debt & our relationships with our friends, family and community were surface level, and often included gossip, drinking, and a lack of authentic connection.

I quickly began to realize that our life had become unintentionally.. artificial. From the food, to the relationships, we were missing that deep fulfilling connection to the natural world and to a like minded community.

Once i had this awareness, i just couldn’t shake it & i knew there was no turning back, i knew things had to change…

Why does it matter?

I know i’m not the only one who feels this deep desire for change, a desire to strip away our comfort zones and a deep inner longing that’s been gently urging us to venture into the unknown. I would love to tell you i have it all figured out now, that my life is sunshine and rainbows and here’s my quick fix-3 step program on how to fix your life too. But that’s not real. Change takes work, and that can take years. For me, It's been a long journey of unlearning, and taking small steps in the right direction.

Will you join us?

So maybe by now your thinking that you feel the same way and that you don’t know how to get where you want to be. If so, then i’m glad your here because the first step is finding a community of like-minded people who share in your experience and desire to change.

Me and my husband are still trying to create the life we want, but were getting closer and i can feel it, i feel hopeful. It hasn’t been easy but we’ve been slowly getting out of debt; learning to live off the land, growing our own food, eating more nutrient dense food, and choosing slow whenever we can.

We’ve learned a lot along the way and i’d love to share that with you. We are learning to find harmony in the everyday, and we are still learning how we can break free from the broken system that so many of us have relied upon for so long.

Come along with us as we build a more simple, sustainable & natural life. Here you have full permission to lean into your own intuition, and you will have plenty of encouragement along the way.

Follow our journey.