5 Essential Oil Blends you need in your Life

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These blends are for topical use only, these roll on blends are not meant to treat, prevent or cure any disease, speak to a professional if you have any medical conditions before using essential oils, and use your own judgement when using essential oils. Before applying to the skin, do a small patch test, to make sure you don't have any allergic reaction.

If you’ve ever bought an essential oil roll-on blend, then you know that they can be super simple to apply as they have a quick application and fun to have on hand for when you just need a quick pick me up.

I personally love keeping one or two in my purse that way if I experience some allergies, stress, or even a headache when I'm out and about.

You will need some roll-on bottles of course, here's the exact bottles I use for my own roll-ons. Luckily they are cheap and easy to find.

It makes it so convenient, and it's a natural alternative which is what I prefer to use.

As a Natural Living Advocate I have been enjoying learning about essential oils and their uses and decided I'm gonna be using them in my personal Natural medicine cabinet.

I will be sharing more about my experiences with essential oils in the future.

So here's a couple of my favorite essential oil roll-on recipes that I commonly use in my household,

Tip: add your choice of herbs & oils before you add your carrier oil

essential oil wellness set

Plant Therapy Wellness Sampler Set - Immune Aid, Germ Fighter & Respir Aid - Pure Essential Oils for Seasonal Threats

1) Tension relief

Copaiba essential oil - 3 drops

Eucalyptus essential oil - 5 drops

Peppermint essential oil - 5 drops

Frankincense essential oil - 2 drops

Mix with a carrier oil

preferably fractionated coconut oil, as it is colorless and odorless, which means the smell of your oils will not be tampered with when you mix the carrier oil with your essential oils.

Copaiba is great for reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing, and for pain relief, so it is an essential ingredient in this tension relief roll on.

I love to add in some dried herbs. For this oil I like to use some dried yarrow as it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Yarrow is a beautiful herb with little white flowers and long green stem, the above ground parts of the flower are often used for herbal medicine, to stop bleeding, reduce fever, and was even chewed to relieve tooth pain.

If you harvest large bundles in the summer and bring them in the house to dry as they have so many purposes, stay tuned for a yarrow tincture recipe I'm working on.

2) Immunity roll on

Your choice of immunity oil blend (each brand has their own version) so it's up to you to decide what brand you prefer.

Immunity blend (revive) essential oil - 7 drops

Oregano oil essential oil - 3 drops

peppermint oil essential oil - 3 drops

Add carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil)

Using a pre-made immunity essential oil just makes this recipe a little simpler to throw together, but if you prefer to make one on your own, I’ve provided one below.

I personally love the immunity blend from plant therapy called immune aid, or the revive brand immunity boost.

But if you're a die hard doterra or young living fan, you can substitute for one of their immunity blends, like thieves for example.

3) Or make your own “immunity blend”

Frankincense essential oil - 2 drops

Oregano essential oil - 2 drops

Eucalyptus essential oil - 5 drops

Lemon essential oil - 3 drops

Tea tree essential oil - 4 drops

Add carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil)

If you don't know about the benefits of oregano oil and frankincense you would be surprised how much these little oils can do for you.

Frankincense is a tree oil that is known for anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestive/gut health , and may even have anti-cancer properties.

Oregano essential oil also has some amazing healing properties. It's been used for wound healing, it's great for reducing inflammation, treating infection, relieving pain and providing antioxidants. It is also very useful for certain skin conditions. Which is why it is a must have for a good immunity blend in my opinion.

If you don't have one of these ingredients you can substitute with sweet orange or rosemary which are also great immune support oils.

4) Breath easy blend

Eucalyptus essential oil - 5 drops

Peppermint essential oil - 4 drops

Tea tree essential oil - 3 drops

Lemon essential oil - 3 drops

Add carrier oil ( fractionated coconut oil)

This essential oil blend is probably the one that packs the most punch scent wise, eucalyptus is commonly used as a chest rub to clear congestion, it's also very calming , which is why I love to use it in my stress relief blend below.

As well as peppermint which is well known for clearing sinuses, while peppermint and eucalyptus both are commonly used in over the counter chest rubs.

According to healthline, lemon oil is great for reducing inflammation and killing harmful bacteria which is why it is commonly used in blends for immunity and relief from sinus infection or congestion, primarily because of the way it fights against bad bacteria.

Tea tree oil is a great medicinal oil as it has been used for centuries to treat coughs and colds which is why I believe it's helpful in this blend.

But all of the above oils have immune defense properties and are great for clearing out a stuffy nose.

If you're asthmatic I don't know how these particular oils will affect you so speak to a trusted doctor before use, as this is not meant to treat asthma or suppress asthma symptoms, it is purely for allergies and clearing nasal congestion.

5) Stress relief essential oil blend

Lavender essential oil - 3 drops

Eucalyptus essential oil- 6 drops

Peppermint essential oil- 4 drops

This is a great blend for those of you who love tree oils and minty scents. I personally find minty scents to be refreshing and calming which in my opinion is perfect for relieving stress.

Eucalyptus has such a wonderful minty and woodsy scent. I find it to be truly grounding and calming.

Lavender has a floral and a little bit of a musky scent that many people commonly use for relaxation, sleep, and anxiety relief.

The mix of these scents is heavenly, and has a floral, woodsy, and minty notes.

Peppermint is obviously very minty, and gives a refreshing scent that has been known to reduce headaches, which makes it a great addition to this blend.

This last one truly is my favorite, as the mixture of scents is calming and sweet.

Let me know in the comments or on instagram how these roll-ons turned out for you if you decide to try one , if you have any great roll-on recipes feel free to share in the comments.

Take Care, Danielle


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