How to get your life together Fast!

If you need a quick guide to get your life in order fast, then welcome, because this guide that is sure to help you get it together quickly.

When we are struggling , we need actionable steps to get our lives together. We a practical easy to use guide that sets us on the right path towards freedom, and success.

Here's some practical steps that you can take to make progress and get your life together!

1) Stop blowing all your money on things you don't need

Instead of blowing all your money, set clear financial goals and stick to them, if your struggling financially you need to follow the steps below

-create a budget

-pay off all debt you have

-decrease your expenses

-save up an emergency fund

A great resource to start you on the path to financial freedom is dave ramsey’s baby steps

You can stop the generational curse of poverty, and be the one to create generational wealth for your lineage. You just have to get started and don't stop until you meet your goals. Financial freedom isn't some far off goal. If you take small steps toward your goal consistently over time, it wont be long before you reach your goals.

2) Evaluate your physical and mental health

Disclaimer : This advice is not meant to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. If you are experiencing a crisis, reach out to a hospital, behavioral health center, or crisis help line. I am not a mental health professional, please seek professional help if you're in a crisis situation.


One of the most important things you can do to drastically change your life is to get your health in order.

I understand not everyone can afford therapy, if you can that's great, it's a great option for anyone who wants or needs it,I myself have benefited from therapy .

But if that isn't an option for you, from experience I can tell you there is also a lot of online info at your disposal, therapists regularly give advice on Youtube, and you can find great articles out there.

You know yourself better than anyone, you probably have some good insights on what does (or doesnt) benefit your mental health.

Now for physical health, a great resource for getting your physical health in order is the weston a. Price foundation. They are amazing , and have really changed the way I look at food.

I've gradually started to lose weight and you can too, by eating whole foods , & nutrient dense foods. There's a whole lot about ancestral diets out there, and in my opinion is a great start for anyone who wants to improve their physical health.

Meditation, yoga, breathing practices, journaling, time in nature, and movement are just a few things that can greatly increase your overall health and #wellbeing.

3) Improve your relationships

This is crucial to your wellbeing, humans are meant to live in community, surrounded by family, neighbors, and friends, it's how God designed us to be. If you have a relationship in your life that is hindered, working on that will surely improve your emotional state and wellbeing. Our relationships are how we connect to the world, they touch us on a deep and sometimes even a subconscious level.

When we are struggling with a partner, or quarreling with loved ones, it can affect every aspect of our lives.

Reach out to those you love and show them you care, build trust, and improve communication, be sure to put effort into the relationships that you want to thrive.

A relationship cannot flourish without our direct involvement and effort.

4) Get your home in order

In the words of the great Jordan Peterson “if you can't even clean up your room, who the hell are you to give advice to the rest of the world?”

Getting your home in order may look different for everyone. Maybe your home is actually in disarray and you need to clean it up!

Does your home need some legitimate repairs that have been neglected for years?

Maybe you need to #declutter through months of junk and it needs some serious organization. This is, in my opinion, why minimalism has become so popular recently. When you need to get your life in order and get it in order quickly, do some decluttering.

Click here for 20 items you can declutter today!!

Getting your home in order isn't just about the physical stuff though, take a look around you, do you have pets, plants, or more importantly children that need care, love, and attention. Are you giving them your all, are you being a responsible pet owner or parent?

Improving this not only improves the lives of others, but let's be honest when we are doing what's right and taking care of our #responsibilities we feel better to, it builds up our confidence while building up those around us.

If you want to get your life together then get your home in order!

5) Be a better worker, level up in your career.

If you're a housewife/homemaker like I am, could you be putting in more effort.

Have you fallen prey to laziness, or lack of motivation? Check out this post on how to flourish in your #homemaking . You can kick butt as a homemaker, get better in the kitchen , kick your cleaning routine and homemaking skills into high gear & renew your passion for homemaking!

If you're not a homemaker, and you work outside the home, you can just as easily fall into complacency, and lack of motivation.

Are you performing the way you want to be at work? If you're not, it probably comes down to either two things: either you are stuck in a toxic work environment, or you have been neglectful of your duties and are not working to your highest potential.

Either way there is room to improve your situation. You can find a better job that isn't toxic or that you have more passion for, or you can get started on improving your skills at your job and get better at what you do everyday.

All it takes is to set the intention and get started.

6) Stop making excuses

If you want to better your life and you want to do it fast, you have to stop making excuses for yourself and get started.

Whether it's your health or your relationships, your home or work life, nothing can improve unless you recognize what's not working. You can analyze what you need to improve in your life and get started on fixing it.

There is no excuse for complacency or idleness, if you want to change your life and do it quickly you gotta stop wasting time and take a cold hard look at how you can effectively move forward towards significant change.

If you clicked on this post you obviously wanted to change something or improve some aspect of your life. Get real with yourself right here and now. What is it ?

What do you want to change? Don't let anything stop you from improving your life, and the life of others.

You don't have to stay in the same place forever. As they say “if you don't like where you are, MOVE, you're not a tree.”

If your life feels stagnant, it's time to get moving.

7) Be generous

Don't spend all your time focused on yourself and what you can do for your own life. How can you improve the life of others, whether that be those around you or those you don't even know.

Maybe you believe in karma, I don't.. But I do believe in God and he rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked, which is pretty much divine karma, if you think about it.

You reap what you sow, what are you sowing? Are you treating others well, doing good for the sake of helping. There is nothing that will make you feel better, than helping those who are worse off. Not only does it put your life into perspective, but it also helps you build confidence.

When you show generosity and kindness to others, whether that be volunteering at a homeless shelter or local library, or simply helping your neighbor, you are improving your skills. More importantly your taking the focus off of yourself and putting it where God designed it to be, on serving others.

We were not meant to be so self focused and self centered, we were made to love one another. The evidence is all around us, we see chaos when people focus too much on how they feel or on what they want. It breeds selfishness.

What's one step you can take today, to love your neighbor ?

If you can take even just one step and implement it today, I'm sure you will see improvement in your daily life. If you benefited from this feel free to leave a comment , or maybe you have some wisdom for me & for others that you can share.

I hope this helps someone out there, and remember if you want to change, you certainly can. That's what we humans are good at, changing.

Take care, Danielle


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