7 Ways to Prepare for Tough Times Ahead

How to Prepare for Tough Times
Maybe it was the chaos of 2020 and the continued chaos of 2021, more and more people have gotten into prepping. Even those who don't classify themselves as prepper's have felt the pull to become more self-sufficient.

Becoming self sufficient

If you are highly dependent on society when a crisis such as the 2020 pandemic comes around, it can be a stark wake up call.

I have always thought prepping would be cool, but did not want to get too into it for fear of being called crazy, but now I wish I would have started sooner. As the world gets more chaotic, the more important being prepared for a crisis becomes.

Of Course this doesn't mean you have to run around acting as if the sky is falling, and you certainly don't want to panic buy, or overreact as we also learned over the last couple years. But you do want to be prepared, and not be completely caught off guard when something critical happens whether in your home, or in your country.

If we recall it wasn't long ago that living off the land, preserving food, and being prepared was just a way of life not an extreme thing to do as it is looked at today, (maybe not as extreme now that 2020 has happened)

So what are some simple practical steps we can take to be a bit more prepared for what life has to throw at us?

7 Ways to be Prepared for Tough Times

1) Have cash on hand

Back in the great depression , a lot of people couldn't access their money even if they had it in the bank. Crazy right !? To be prepared you should have backup access to cash, you don't have to be excessive about it, but put away whatever you can manage(like enough money to buy food and gas for example) in a safe place in your home, a small lock box or safe is a good option.

2)Learn to grow your own food and hunt

When food is scarce these become essential skills to live by, fishing is simpler than hunting, but both take skills and the proper tools i.e guns, ammo, hunting gear, fishing pole, good filet knife.

But learning is the first step, and getting started and having some skills is better than nothing. If you already know how to hunt & fish then you're ahead of the game compared to most people. Many people would prefer to raise livestock than to hunt or fish, and some do both. The point being that having a solid source of meat coming in is a good way to be prepared.

Know some of you may feel like the above options are not for you , a lot of people don't prefer the idea of butchering their own meat , but one thing anyone can learn to do is grow your own food, not only will it help you to be prepared but it's also peaceful and grounding to work with your hands.

3)Have a stockpile

Build up a stockpile over time. Doing this can be easier said than done but the key is to be intentional about what you buy and why, and make sure you store it properly.

Non perishables are the best items to stock up on but if you have a large freezer you can also freeze fruit and veggies, and/or meat on sale. Just keep in mind they do expire and need to be used in a set amount of time. A great and simple tactic to stock up is to “buy one for now and one for later” when buying canned goods, broths, etc.

Having some water stored is a must as well, you want to have good drinking water on hand. People often forget that if for some reason the water is frozen or shut off in the event of an emergency you will still need water for flushing the toilet and doing the dishes as well, so having some water for each purpose is a good idea. Just make sure to label them properly, and store them in a cool, dark place, and to properly sanitize any storage container you use.

4)Know how to cook from scratch

Having flour on hand doesn't do you any good if you don't know how to use it. Cooking from scratch is something that pretty much everyone knew how to do at one point, but is a skill that not only has decreased significantly, but that not many people seem to see the value in anymore.

When you know how to cook from scratch, your ability to provide nourishing food for your family expands exponentially. In a time of crisis knowing how to bake, or substitute a missing ingredient can save your taste buds and maybe even your life.

5) Get out of debt (as much as possible)

Being free of debt enables you to have full access to your income instead of being a slave to your lenders. This can be the most difficult to fix, as it takes time and consistency . Getting out of debt is a big priority for my own household.

When times are tough, the last thing we want to be concerned with is paying bills and keeping our debt current. While paying bills is a necessity, we don't have to be funneling our valuable income into the hands of lenders. Having debt paid down is a sure fire way to stay above water when things get hard, and to insure that in the case of job loss or an emergency that we are focused on our basic necessities.

Saving up money is also a great way to create some stability and financial back up that could keep you from going bankrupt or losing a home. I would prioritize getting out of debt and then focus on saving. A great resource in your debt free journey is Dave Ramsey's baby steps.

6)Be prepared for your specific climate

Every season comes with its own challenges. Knowing what natural disasters are most common for your area is crucial to becoming prepared.

In the pacific northwest we mainly have wildfires, lightning storms (that sometimes cause power outages), and cold winters with unsafe driving conditions. So what I prepare for may be drastically different from what someone who lives down south might prepare for.

If you live in a place that has hurricanes or tornadoes these are all things to take into consideration when prepping. Prepare for your climate, and weather.

7)Take care of your mental and physical health

I would say that this is the most crucial way to prepare for tough times ahead. You could be prepared in every other way, but if you are struggling mentally or physically in times of crisis your ability to react to stress and take care of yourself or family becomes compromised.

You want to be mentally resilient to stress as life in general can be stressful. If we can live calmly through it, we can adapt much better to a crisis or sudden change. If we are in the middle of a severe crisis being joyful might not be entirely possible, but being calm and level headed could save your life, and your sanity. Being filled with anxiety, and despair is no way to live, especially in the midst of a difficult situation.

Getting your health under control is going to be personal to you, it could mean prayer or meditation. There are a number of ways to build resilience. I've used the practice of acceptance for years now, to lessen stress.

Let me know if you have any ways that you and your family prepare ? Make sure to save this post for later.

Remember to always use discernment, you are the best person to know what the needs of your family look like, and what you should prepare for, as every family is different.

Stay safe & be prepared.

-Danielle Merie


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