How I grew my hair super long naturally!

If there is someone who can help you grow your hair long, it's me. I've taken a journey with my hair. I started out with damaged hair from years of home dyed hair. I struggled to get my hair to grow when I was young and finally i decided enough was enough. I was gonna do everything I could to grow my hair, and finally have the naturally healthy and long hair I've always wanted.

My hair journey

After that long journey with my hair, i am now known for having super long healthy hair. If you struggle with growing out your hair, then I can relate. I grew up with my mom always cutting my hair short, and in school I wished I could have pretty hair like so many other girls.

Now as a grown woman I have healed my relationship with my hair and grown it out all the way down to my hips.

It's amazing how much our identity is wrapped up in our hair as women. We feel beautiful or ugly based on how long or short our hair is, and even based on what color it is.

For years I felt prettier when I was blonde but it just wasn't my natural hair, I felt like my blonde hair made men more attracted to me, & i had so many deeply ingrained beliefs around my hair

This all started to change for me when I met Michael, my now husband. We have been together almost 9 years, and slowly over time I have developed confidence and learned to love my natural hair. It's amazing how healing it can be when someone loves you and finds you beautiful in your natural state.

I've been growing out my natural hair for about 4 years now, and I'm thrilled to say I have fallen in love with it. I would never go back to unhealthy hair just to be blonde again. I've also learned to love my natural hair color, my natural hair is a pretty auburn color, with natural brown and red tones.

Hair growth

I transformed my hair, and I want you to love your hair too.

If you're looking to grow your hair naturally then you're in the right place.

It took me a couple years to grow my hair to this point so this is not your typical ‘quick fix’ ‘how to grow your hair fast’ type of post. Instead, these are practical tips to grow your hair naturally and renew hair health.

Tip #1 - Stop dying your hair!!

The impact this had on my hair is honestly immeasurable. I so badly wanted to have bright blonde hair but every time I bleached or dyed my hair it caused so much damage. I dyed my hair for about 6 or 7 years, every couple months, But i finally made the decisions to stop dying my hair for 2 reasons:

I wanted my hair to grow long and I wanted to embrace my natural hair color, after years of trying to change it.

Not dying my hair is probably the single most important tip I could put on here.Not only do I love my natural hair color now, but my hair started to grow like crazy when I gave up all the toxic chemicals.

It took time but as my hair grew it got healthier, shinier, and now, the not so pretty orange color left behind from years of dying my hair blonde has gone away and been replaced with a beautiful brown/reddish auburn color.

Tip #2 - Eat more animal foods protein, and dairy.

If you're vegan this tip won't help you much. You will know what I'm talking about if you've ever heard of eating ancestrally or pro metabolic eating.

Eating more red meats, eggs, and raw milk changed the game when it comes to my hair. My hair started growing so much faster when I gave my body the proper nutrients it needed to thrive.

Meat is a great source of protein, which is essential for healthy, strong hair. Red meat, in particular, is rich in easy-to-absorb iron, which may aid hair growth.

the quote above is sourced from healthline where you can read all about the best foods for hair growth!! Check it out here

Tip #3 - Only wash every 2-3 days

This one made a huge difference for me as well.

Many women don't realize when they wash their hair every day they are stripping it of the natural oils it needs to thrive and prevent breakage.

Preventing breakage is a huge part of getting your hair to be healthy and grow super long.

Tip #4 - Trimming every few months

I don't do this as often anymore now that my hair is thick and strong and doesn't break near as often, but i had to in the beginning when my hair was just recovering from all the damage i had done over the years.

I trimmed off about an inch every couple months to get rid of the split ends that were forming. My hair was so damaged that it was dry and brittle for about 1-2 years even after I stopped dying it.

Trimming allowed my hair to keep growing without being stunted by split ends

Tip #5 - No more crazy or tight hairstyles

Your hair and scalp go through so much breakage and damage when you put your hair in tight buns or ponytails.

We all know the feeling of having a tight pony tail all day long and how much our scalp hurts after that type of torture. Our scalp health is one of the biggest factors in hair health.

If we are pulling on our hair and scalp due to the hair styles we choose, not only can we damage our hair, but some women have even experienced hair loss.

So skip the tight or intricate hair styles and opt for a loose side braid, a simple loose side ponytail, or a messy mom bun.Let your scalp heal, and reduce the risk of hair loss by taking it easy on the hairstyles. Or just let your hair down girl, your hair will thank you for it.

Tip #6 Not brushing too much or too hard.

Every time we brush our hair we are pulling out strands. It's important to keep our hair from knotting and getting damaged and We don't want to have to cut out a huge knot obviously, but we can simply brush once a day, slowly and gently.

Instead of ripping our hair out in the process of brushing. I'm still working on this as I am so guilty of brushing my hair super fast when I'm in a rush or irritated.

Just simply slowing down and taking your time can prevent significant hair loss and damage. You can also untangle your hair with your fingers throughout the day to prevent tangling and knotting while still preventing damage by over brushing.

Tip #7 Stop using hair products

A lot of people use hair products to try and grow their hair, and while maybe some people have seen luck, I have never seen improvement from hair products or fancy shampoos and conditioners.

In fact the one time I decided to buy a spendier shampoo, my hair became so dry and rough that I switched back immediately.

Now I would love to say as a natural living advocate I have found some special natural shampoo and conditioner that changes everything, but to be honest every time I have tried it has been a major fail.

Honestly I buy the same shampoo and conditioner and have for years and every time i try to switch to something more expensive or natural it just gunks up my hair or makes it feel super dry because it strips all the natural oils that i try to keep in my hair.

I use a simple suave rosemary and mint shampoo and conditioner and if I ever find something that does the job better I will update this post but for now, that's what I've settled on.

update: I finally tried Native deodorant and it’s become my got to shampoo and conditioner.

I also don't use any leave-in conditioner, hair spray, curling foam, or detangler. I have a homemade detangler which is just a little bit of suave conditioner and water in a spray bottle.

I have tried keratin hair masks and while my hair is typically softer the day after I use it, I still don't see a tremendous amount of difference in using items like these.

Don't waste your money, find a shampoo and conditioner you like, skip the hair treatments and sprays and just let your hair's natural oils do their job and your hair will thank you for it.

Tip #8 Don't use heat on your hair

I stopped using hair tools a long time ago. I got rid of my straightener and my curling iron early on in my hair journey. The only hair tool i own is a blow dryer which i only use when it's cold and i have to leave the house, other than that i let my hair air dry.

One great way to curl your hair is the heatless curl method , heres a link to a very helpful video on this topic

Hair tools are SO bad for your hair, they literally fry your hair. iIf you were to just stop dying your hair and using heated hair tools the health of your hair would be drastically changed just by doing these two things.

Stay consistent and you will have the hair of your dreams.

So although this list is short and simple I think if you follow this advice you will be shocked by the difference in your hair in just a couple months, and especially a couple years from now.

The key is consistency and letting your body do the work. Just give it the nutrients it needs to succeed and stop damaging your hair and your hair will begin to heal and grow.

I hope this helps. If you have any good tips for growing out your hair be sure to share in the comments below.

Growing your hair is a patience game, and has a lot to do with trusting your body, and letting the natural process take place.

-Danielle Merie


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