10 ways to elevate your daily homemaking!

If you're a homemaker you may reach a time in your job as a homemaker where you feel disheartened from the humdrum of the mundane daily tasks that we are responsible to accomplish.

I want to help you regain your passion for homemaking, and recognize the immense value and responsibility that it truly is to be a homemaker.

Even if you haven't lost your passion, maybe you have just gotten all the basics down, and you want to elevate the work you're doing at home to a whole new level.

Either way, this list of 10 ways to level up in your homemaking will help you.

“There’s no doubt about it. Homemaking is hard work. If you want a well kept home, you will have to devote time each day to caring for and cleaning your home.”

quote from the wonderful blog avirtuouswoman.org

Homemaking is work!

One common criticism about homemaking is that other women who work still have to cook and clean.

I think this idea comes from a deep misunderstanding of what homemaking looks like. Homemaking is much more than coming home tidying up and throwing together a quick meal or bringing home some takeout.

Homemaking is a process, filled with so many responsibilities. If a homemaker is doing their job diligently, you will notice a huge difference in their home compared to others.

The job of a Homemaker

As a homemaker we should be striving to go far beyond just cooking and cleaning & our home should be set apart from others.

Not only should our home be clean and tidy and a meal cooked every night. But there is a higher standard even in these simple tasks. From meals that are homemade, & deeply nourishing to a home that is not just well kept, but clutter free, sanitized, well kept with care and intentionality.

The home should reflect the level of care you give to your family.

When you walk in you can see every bit of effort the homemaker puts into her home, and you can see the care that went into every decision.

keeper of the home

Homemakers are keepers of the home, we are called to steward our homes with intention. From being frugal and using every resource given to them to make a beautiful home and nourishing food, but most importantly to care for those in their home, emotionally and physically.

All of these tasks are done with a spirit of love, and a great attention to detail that women who work may simply not have the time to accomplish.

1)Deep clean

Pay attention to detail! One of the main ways a #homemaker is set apart from a woman who works a full time job, is the time she has to pay attention to detail.

To really put effort into the little things. Instead of just doing the bare minimum when it comes to chores, housewives have the ability to take care of those neglected parts of our homes, like cleaning appliances, doing home projects and maintenance that goes largely ignored in most homes.

This will not only level up the look of your home, but your possessions will last much longer when being properly cared for.

2) Keep your home clutter free

Not everyone has to have a minimal home, but doing a seasonal declutter can help refresh your space, and make it easier for you to keep up on your homemaking duties.

I find it way easier to keep up in my home when I limit the amount of clutter I allow into my home

Not only does it make day to day chores easier, but once you start to declutter monthly or seasonally it helps you develop more intentionality when it comes to your home and what you own.

3)Find a hobby and get really good at it

i.e. : sewing,baking, gardening, interior decorating.

Having a fruitful hobby, can elevate the experience of homemaking so much! It can be so fun to have a hobby that helps be productive during your free time but also enhances your skill set.

One of my new favorite hobbies is making sourdough bread, it took time to cultivate this skill and to get my sourdough starter going but it was so worth it.

When you know how to garden you can enhance the beauty of your outdoor space while also providing some fresh produce for your family.

If you learn to sew you can make your own dresses, mend clothing that still has life left in it.

Homemaking hobbies can help save money and it's fun and rewarding to develop a skill. It can help you to feel accomplished as a homemaker.

4)Treat it like a job because it is one!

Take your role as a housewife or stay at home mom seriously, your job has meaning and value just like any other. You should work to the best of your ability and find honor in the work you do.

If we can look at our responsibilities as a blessing that we were given the privilege to steward, then we can shift the perspective around doing chores from being a burden to a privilege.

"Wash the dishes not because it is dirty nor because you are told to wash it, but because you love the person who will use it next."

St. Teresa of Calcutta.

5)Do not become idle

While a huge benefit to homemaking is making your own schedule one of the pitfalls one can fall into is idleness. As a homemaker you are the one who is in charge of what you get done daily. It is up to you to stay disciplined.

What helped me to stay responsible as a homemaker and not become idle was a to do list. It may be cliche but sticking to a list will give your day some structure and help you to stay on track. Each time you become idle, you can look at your list and do the next thing.

Feeling unmotivated can be a struggle for some homemakers especially if you are responsible for children.

When we create habits and routines around our homemaking just as we would in a job, we can depend on our daily habits to pull us through on days we don't feel like fulfilling our responsibilities.

6)Be thankful to be a homemaker.

Many others wish they could be homemakers but they can't, whether they are single mothers, they need two incomes, or maybe their husband prefers them to bring in an income.

About 27% of all moms are housewives, and a whopping 50% of moms say they would prefer to stay home compared to 45% who prefer to work

according to a 2019 poll by Gallup

You are not alone in your desire to be a homemaker, but we are uniquely blessed to be able to live out that dream.

So many women would love to be a stay at home wife or mother, but sadly they don't always get that choice. Although, staying at home is full of sacrifices that make it possible, we can still be thankful to have the opportunity.

7)Meal plan & have a grocery list

Meal planning changed the game for me when it comes to grocery shopping. It can be a great way to avoid food waste, and save money on your monthly grocery budget.

Going into the grocery store without a list is a recipe for impulse purchases, and I know when I went in without a list I would inevitably forget ingredients that I really needed.

Simply writing down a list, and using ideas for meals based on what's already have in your pantry will help you to create nutritious meals for your family, which is one of the essential roles of a homemaker.

8)Focus on your family and how to serve them best

Often as homemakers we become so hyper focused on a clean and well decorated home, that we may distract ourselves from our true purpose as a homemaker which is to care for our family, and be a steward of our household and the resources we have been blessed with.

One of the best ways to prioritize the needs of your family is to go the extra mile to make sure their needs (physical and emotional) are met.

If your husband goes hours throughout his work day without remembering to eat, then making sure to send good snacks with him to work might become a priority.

If your pets need more time outside, then spending your time walking your dog might be more important than washing the baseboards.

One great way to learn what your family needs is by simply asking them, and paying attention to what might make your home more functional.

By simply making sure that those we love are well cared for, we are fulfilling our purpose as a keeper of the home.

9)Be frugal and be a steward your money

It’s no surprise that living frugally is important for all homemakers no matter your income bracket. Because we are working in the home instead of outside the home we will not be bringing in monetary value to our homes.

Although some homemakers do have a small business or part time income, it is still important to make up for the loss in monetary value by providing value in other areas.

One way we can do this is by budgeting well, and saving our family money by learning skills that will benefit our budget.

When we are homemakers we can save money by cooking from scratch, sticking to a budget, handling our own pet care, and child care. These things inherently become our responsibility when we choose to stay home.

10) Don't waste time.

Without a routine or schedule it can be easy to fall into unintended idleness. But as a homemaker using your time intentionally is extremely important. One of the benefits of homemaking is that you are in control of how you use your time, but with that freedom you can also fall into laziness.

It's important to stay productive and fulfill your responsibilities as a homemaker.

One of the ways I combat laziness and stay productive is to have a To Do List, and some flexible routines and habits set in place that keep me motivated. I also like to listen to homemaking/ clean with me videos in the background as motivation, or reward myself with a fun podcast, to stimulate my mind while doing daily chores to make the experience more enjoyable.

“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Finding joy and gratitude in the daily responsibilities of homemaking is a choice, one that can enhance your experience as a homemaker, and help you to develop a sense of pride in the work you do and the skills you have.

Embrace your decision to be a homemaker and do the job to the best of your ability, and it will elevate and enhance your life as a homemaker.

I hope these tips help you to elevate your skills and use of time while being the best homemaker you can be. When we can create an efficient and cozy home, the joy and pride you feel for doing your best and working hard will help you to feel content in your lifestyle.

Take care, Danielle


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