20 items to Declutter from your home

Things you can declutter today!

Sometimes the things we hold onto hold us back from the lives we truly want. But the good news is you can get rid of whatever is holding you back and step into a new and better life. Now I know that it can sound a little melodramatic to think that stuff is keeping us from living our best lives but hear me out. Those clothes that don't fit you may be keeping you from getting better clothes that make you feel good.

The piles of paper that haven’t been dealt with could be keeping you from taking a cold hard look at your finances and changing it for the better. The sentimental items you hold onto may harbor negative attachments to your past and letting them go can help you move on and start fresh.

Each time we make a pass through our homes and remove all the unnecessary baggage from our lives, it is an opportunity to start fresh, to change.

I imagine if you're reading this it's because you want to start some decluttering. So here's some ideas of what you can get rid of.

1) Obvious clutter

You know the kind … like the trash sitting around your room , or old batteries that barely have any life. Making a quick pass through the house and gathering up and spam mail, or trash, getting rid of this type of #clutter is a great first step to get your home under control.

2) Things you are not actually using

Maybe that's some workout gear, or craft supplies that you picked up on a DIY kick that soon got shoved to the back of a closet, or an old phone that's already been replaced.

3) Paper clutter

File it , shred it , pay it. It may be overwhelming but after it's done it really is much easier to pay bills & find important documents.

4) Old things from our past

Things we never parted with that may hold negative memories or invoke negative emotions. It could be an old boyfriend's sweater, or an ex best friend's picture and maybe even items from your childhood that evoke not so happy memories.

5) Items we hold onto purely out of guilt

We've all had the thoughts running through our mind “but my mom gave it to me' I have personally grappled with these thoughts when it comes to guilty clutter. These items can be some of the harder things to get rid of.

So often we have buyers remorse for an item and we wish we had never bought it, return it if you can or or just move on from the guilt and let those items go. Each item you buy , or that's given to you, does not come with a lifelong obligation to keep.

6) Duplicates

Sometimes even when we have 2 spatulas we still feel a desire to hold onto a 3rd. One of my duplicate areas were pots and pans, even though I only reached for two I still kept the whole set.

Trust me you won't miss them when they're gone. Now's the time to part with the duplicate items in your home. One great tip I learned along my #decluttering journey is that you don't have to keep the full set, you can break up a set and pass along what isn't being used.

7) Clothes that no longer fit

You shouldn't torture yourself with those pants that could fit one day, if you lose 10 pounds, you deserve pants that not only fit but make you feel good, but that fit you well and are easy to wear. Everything in your wardrobe should be a realistic option. On top of clothes there's worn shoes or excess accessories could probably use a look through too.

8) Just in case items

Examples of “just in case items” might look like the owners manual for the BLU ray player you bought 3 years ago, (P.S. You can probably find it online) or Maybe its baby clothes you hold onto just in case you decide to have another child, you can always keep your favorites and move on from the rest. Often there are tons of “just in case items'' we aren't even aware we have. When your in the midst of a #decluttering project if you think to yourself , that you will keep it just in case you need it, that's a signal to you, that its not worth holding onto

9) Decor that no longer suits you

Decor has always been the hardest for me but once I realized that it's supposed to help me to enjoy the look and feel of my home it then becomes easier to get rid of the decor that isn't fulfilling that purpose.

10) Items that aren't fulfilling their purpose

Now this category can sum up a lot of the excess stuff we try to hold onto . If you've got a plate set that never gets used or a gravy boat that hasn't seen gravy in years then it's not fulfilling the purpose it's made for and that's just sad so you might want to get rid of it.

11) Expired food and pantry items.

It's no fun when food goes to waste. It's not a good feeling, but if you can't trust eating it, then it's time to go. There's nothing wrong with having a stockpile, but knowing what's in it and when it needs to be used is crucial to keeping a stocked pantry.

12) Kitchen gadgets and small appliances

we have all been there you buy the latest gadget in the kitchen section of your local grocery store thinking it will make a task easier just to put it in a drawer and never touch it again.

13) Expired medicine and hygiene products

It can be so easy to forget that these things do expire. When I finally went through my bathroom cabinets, I was shocked to learn how much junk I was holding onto that had gone way past its expiration.

14) Mostly used Lotions, makeup and perfumes

If they are pretty much gone but have just a bit left, but you still haven't used it it's okay to let it go and some of these items actually expire too.

15) Linens

Old towels and rags, comforters and sheets that are worn out, ugly curtains… none of these things should be taking up precious space in your home. I like to have two bed sheets for every bed in the home, and only having 1 to 2 throw blankets for every person in the home. Now this is just my personal choice that works for me and my family, maybe you need less or more. But either way taking a good look at what you functionally need in your home is a good start.

16) Cords that don't go to anything

We don't need 5 phone chargers or a damaged HDMI cord. It's sad how long it took me to do this one. We often hold on to extra chargers and extension cord, while having one extra may be a good idea. These items are often easy to replace and can pile up quickly if your not decluttering often.

17) Books you’ll never read

This one's rough because we tell ourselves we might read it someday, or maybe you even started it just to lose interest and leave it on a shelf for 2 years, there’s a phrase in the decluttering world called “the fantasy self” for some

people reading often and being the type of person who has a home library can become a fantasy that we cling to even if it's unrealistic for your life. If you actually love to read and do it often then it makes perfect sense to have lots of books but part of decluttering is to look at your life and decide what you actually use and what you hope to use.

18) Candles, incense, wax melts.

These can be so easy to collect but sometimes they are a hit and sometimes they just don't smell as good at home as they did in

store so they just end up sitting around cluttering things up. You'd be surprised by the amount of toxins in these, I have been getting rid of all of them recently even if I like the smell, because of the toxic chemicals. If you choose to part with them for good you can switch out all unhealthy forms of smell good items for beeswax candles and essential oils.

19) Video games and DVDs

while many people go full digital in this area which is a great option, i prefer to just pair down to my favorite shows and movies either way a quick declutter in this area can make a big difference. I also bought a DVD organizer on amazon and it's a game changer.

20) Pet and kids toys

If it's not being played with they probably don't need it and they especially don't need any toys that are damaged or have missing pieces. Dog toys and even some kids' toys can become dangerous when they are too worn or damaged.

Well i hope this list gave you some ideas of what may still be cluttering up your home and maybe even holding you back in some way, it's amazing what getting rid of stuff can do for your home, and for our ability to take care of our home, and when our homes are tidy it's much easier to truly enjoy them.

Take care, Danielle.


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